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Consumer Psychology Review


Consumer Psychology Review is an annual journal of the Society for Consumer Psychology. CPR aims to provide systematic, integrative, and thought-provoking reviews in areas of classic and contemporary import in consumer psychology.

The primary goals of the journal are to:

  1. Increase the visibility of current research in or relevant to consumer psychology,

  2. Serve as a foundational or primary resource for consumer psychologists, and

  3. Showcase critical and cutting edge theoretical developments in consumer psychology research.


All articles are invited by the editors, in consultation with the Scientific Advisory Committee.



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CPR Co-Editors

Derek Rucker

Derek Rucker

Consumer Psychology Review

Sandy & Morton Goldman Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies in Marketing, Professor of Marketing, Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University

Zackary Tormala

Zackary Tormala

Consumer Psychology Review

The Laurence W. Lane Professor of Behavioral Science and Marketing, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Scientific Advisory Committee

Margaret Campbell
University of Colorado

Tanya Chartrand
Duke University

Darren Dahl
University of British Columbia

Ravi Dhar
Yale University

Ayelet Fishbach
University of Chicago

Aparna Labroo
Northwestern University

John Lynch
University of Colorado

Andrea Morales
Arizona State University

Leif Nelson
University of California, Berkeley

Sharon Shavitt
University of Illinois

L.J. Shrum
HEC Paris

Kathleen Vohs
University of Minnesota

Christian Wheeler
Stanford University

David Wooten
University of Michigan

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