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Teaching about DEI Topics with JCP Publications
Insights for the Classroom
JCP scholars have focused on cutting edge research at the intersection of inclusion, equity, marketing and consumption. For each JCP publication below, the authors have put together a slide deck with key take-aways that can be adopted for in-class sessions.
Designing for All: Consumer Response to Inclusive Design
Vanessa M. Patrick, Candice R. Hollenbeck
Perceived Costs versus Actual Benefits of Demographic Self‐Disclosure in Online Support Groups
Activating Stereotypes with Brand Imagery: The Role of Political Identity
Mary Steffel and Joshua Clarkson
Justin Angle (University of Montana)
Sokiente Dagogo-Jack (IPSOS)
Mark Forehand (University of Washington)
Andrew Perkins (Washington State University
The Great(er) Divide: Growing Gaps in Culture, Psychology, and Consumption in America
Dalton Conley (Department of Sociology, Princeton University & NBER)
When Exposure to Out-Group Cues Elicits Perceived Threats: Insights from a Social Identity Perspective on Aspirational Advertising: Implicit Threats to Collective Self-Esteem and Strategies to Overcome Them
Claudiu V. Dimofte, Ronald C. Goodstein, and Anne M. Brumbaugh
Consumer Vulnerability
Ronald Paul Hill (American University)
Eesha Sharma (Dartmouth College)
Improving Financial Inclusion through Communal Financial Orientation: How Financial Service Providers Can Better Engage Consumers in Banking Deserts
Martin Mende, Linda Court Salisbury, Gergana Y. Nenkov, and Maura L. Scott
Revisiting Gender Differences: What We Know and What Lies Ahead
Stigmatized-Identity Cues: Threats as Opportunities for Consumer Psychology
Meyers-Levy & Loken
David Wooten (University of Michigan)
Tracy Rank-Christman (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
Stratification and Segmentation: Social Class in Consumer Behavior
Shavitt, S., Jiang, D., & Cho
If you have published in JCP on any DEI-related topics that are not included here, we would love it if you could prepare a slide deck. Please reference the detailed guidelines and slide template.
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