While some of the resources below are free, access to some of the reports and data will depend on the licenses that your organization has access to. Often university libraries will provide login information or access links to students and faculty. Some of the websites can be access through IP authentication if you are on the campus of an institution that has a license to the data provider.
Demographics, housing characteristics, business and industry data
Census, survey, estimates, and projections
Buying habits of American consumers
Data on expenditures, income, families, and individual consumer characteristics
Collected for the Bureau of Labor Statistics by the U.S. Census Bureau
Monthly and Annual Retail Trade [U.S. Census Bureau]
Retail sales
E-Commerce report
Statistical Abstract of the United States (Proquest)
Classic statistics “lookup” resource from the biggest collector and publisher of data in the world - the U.S. federal government - now made current and available via ProQuest
Bureau of Labor Statistics
CPI, PPI, employment, inflation calculator, and much more
Consumer spending by region, race, income, education, and occupation on various items such as apparel, food, fuel, furnishings, healthcare, entertainment, transport, insurance.
BLS Wage Data by Area and Occupation
BLS wage data are available by occupation for the Nation, regions, states, and many metropolitan areas.
Time Americans spend on specific daily activities.
Consumer Behavior
Consumer behavior and trends. Provides access to two products. Mintel Academic publishes 600 market research reports each year for the U.S. and European consumer markets. Reports analyze market drivers, trends, market forecasts, market segmentations, demographics, and consumer attitudes and purchasing behaviors. Mintel Market Sizes provides market size, market share and segmentation data for global consumer packaged goods industries.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Find New Strategist publications in GVRL. A collection of over 1000 reference resources.
Collection of national consumer studies about product and brand usage. Based on an annual survey of 30,000 households.
Spatial Visualization [demographics]
An online data and mapping tool
Access to data about communities and markets across the US
Another online data and mapping tool
Compare variables, rank locations
Create a demographic analysis