JCP Awards
JCP Best Paper Awards
JCP Best Paper
This award is given to the best refereed paper published three years prior in the Journal of Consumer Psychology; so, this year for papers published in 2020. Papers are first nominated via vote by the JCP Editorial Review Board. The papers that received the most nominations were then reviewed by a committee (Kristin Diehl, University of Southern California, chair, Maura Scott, Florida State University, and Joe Goodman, Ohio State University) who chose an honorable mention and a winner for the award. The authors of the winning paper share a $5000 cash award.
Emily Garbinsky and Joe Gladstone (2019), "The Consumption Consequences of Couples Pooling Finances," Journal of consumer Psychology, 29, 3, 353-369.
Honorable Mention
Mary Fitzpatrick, Bronwyn Elphingston-Jolly, Lorraine Friend, and Penny Payne (2019), "Possessions and Self in the Identity Work of Survivors of Domestic Violence," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 29, 2, 167-186.
JCP Best Paper by an Early Contributor
This award is given to the best refereed paper by an “early career contributor” published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology in 2021. An early career contributor is defined as a scholar whose work is published within two years of receiving his or her Ph.D. (or a scholar who had not yet received their PhD when the paper was published). The paper does not have to be the scholar’s dissertation, just one that the scholar has first-authored (or shared first authorship). All eligible papers were reviewed by a committee (Kristin Diehl, University of Southern California, chair, Maura Scott, Florida State University, and Joe Goodman, Ohio State University) who chose two honorable mentions and a winner for the award. The winner receives a $2500 cash award.
Kelly Eunjung Yoon, University of Mary Washington, for the paper (co-authored with Cornelia Pechmann, Denis Trapido, and Judith J. Prochaska) "Perceived Costs versus Actual Benefits of Demographic Self-Disclosure in Online Support Groups." Journal of Consumer Psychology, 31, 3, 2021, 450-477.
Honorable Mentions
Chen Pundak, Tel Aviv University, for the paper (co-authored with Yael Steinhart and Jacob Goldenberg) "Nonmaleficence in Shaming: The Ethical Dilemma Underlying Participation in Online Public Shaming." Journal of Consumer Psychology, 31, 3, 2021, 478-500.
Shelly Rathee, Villanova University, for the paper "The Effect of Letter versus Number Cues on Distance Perception." Journal of Consumer Psychology, 31, 4, 2021, 647-664.
Previous JCP Best Paper Award Winners
JCP Best Paper Award
"Consumers Avoid Buying from Firms with Higher CEO-to-Work Pay Ratios," Vol 28 (2), 2018
Bhavya Mohan, Tobias Schlager, Rohit Despande, Mike Norton
JCP Best Paper by an Early Career Contributor
"An Appeal to Intimacy," Vol 30 (4), 2020
Brandon Reich, Portland State University, Coauthored with Matthew Pittman
Park Award for Best Paper
"Stitching Time: Vintage Consumption Connects the Past, Present, and Future," Vol 27 (2), 2017
Gulen Sarial-Abi, Kathleen Vohs, Ryan Hamilton, & Aulona Ulqinaku
Park Award for Best Paper by an Early Career Contributor
"The Consumption Consequences of Couples Pooling Finances," Vol 29 (3), 2019
Joe Gladstone, University of College London, Coauthored with Emily N. Garbinsky
Park Award for Best Paper
"When and Why We Forget to Buy" - Volume 26 (3), 2016
Daniel Fernandes, Stefano Puntoni, Stijn M.J. van Osselaer, & Elizabeth Cowley
Park Award for Best Paper by an Early Career Contributor
"Discounting Humanity: When Consumers are Price Conscious, Employees Appear Less Human" - Vol 28 (2), 2018
Johannes Boegershausen, Alexander P. Henkel, J. Hoegg, K. Aquino, & J. Lemmink
Park Outstanding Contributor Award
"Moral Violations Reduce Oral Consumption" - Volume 24, 2014
Cindy Chan, Leaf van Boven, Eduardo Andrade, and Dan Ariely
Park Young Contributor Award
"The effects of religion on consumer behavior: A conceptual framework and research agenda" - Vol 26 (2), 2016
Daniele Mathras
Park Outstanding Contributor Award
"In Search of a Surrogate for Touch: The Effect of Haptic Imagery on Perceived Ownership" - Volume 23, Issue 2, 2013, 165-274
Joann Peck, Victor Barger, and Andrea Webb
Park Young Contributor Award
"Distinct Threats, Common Remedies: How Consumers Cope with Psychological Threat" - Vol. 25, Issue 4, 531-545
DaHee Han
Park Outstanding Contributor Award
"The IKEA Effect: When Labor Leads to Love" - Volume 22, Issue 3, 2012, 299-420
Michael Norton, Daniel Mochon, Dan Ariely
Park Young Contributor Award
"Warmth and Conformity: The Effect of Ambient Temperature on Product Preferences and Financial Decisions" - Volume 24, Issue 3, 241-250
Xun (Irene) Huang
Park Outstanding Contributor Award
"Unconscious Transfer of Meaning to Brands" - Volume 21, Issue 3, 2011, 215-225
Maria Galli and Gerald J. Gorn
Park Young Contributor Award
"Recycling Gone Bad: When the Option to Recycle Increases Resource Consumption" - Vol. 23, Issue 1, 122-127
Jesse R. Catlin and Yitong Wang
Park Outstanding Contributor Award
"Aesthetic package design: A behavioral, neural, and psychological investigation"
Martin Reimann, Judith Zaichkowsky, Carolin Neuhaus, Thomas Bender, & Bernd Weber
Park Young Contributor Award
"When promoting a charity can hurt charitable giving: A metacognitive analysis"
Robert W. Smith
Park Outstanding Contributor Award
"The habitual consumer"
Wendy Wood and David T. Neal
Park Young Contributor Award
"More than meets the eye: The influence of implicit and explicit self-esteem on materialism"
Ji Kyung Park (with Deborah Roedder John)
Best Paper
"When does negative brand publicity hurt? The moderating influence of analytic versus holistic thinking"
Alokparna Basu Monga and Deborah Roedder John
Best Paper
"Deliverative and Automatic Bases of Suspicion: Empirical Evidence of the Sinister Attribution Error"
Kelley Main, Darren Dahl, and Peter Darke
Best Paper
"The Role of Regulatory Focus in the Experience and Self-Control of Desire for Temptations"
Utpal Dholakia, Mahesh Gopinath, Richard Bagozzi, and Rajan Natarajan