SCP Fellows Award
Each year, the Fellows Committee evaluates candidates nominated from among their peers to determine individuals who have made an unusual and outstanding contribution or performance in the field of consumer psychology.
Fellow nominees are evaluated based upon their overall scholarship, research impact, involvement with and contribution to SCP, JCP, and CPR, and institutional and field leadership.


Susan Broniarczyk
University of Texas-Austin

Amna Kirmani
University of Maryland

Jerome Williams
Rutgers University
Alba, Joseph
Anderson, James Clayton
Appel, Valentine
Bettman, James R.
Blankenship, A.B.
Blum, Milton L.
Bogart, Leo
Bradley, Joseph B.
Brock, Timothy C.
Cacioppo, John T.
Chakravarti, Dipankar
Childers, Terry
Cialdini, Robert
Dunn, Theodore F.
Fishbein, Martin
Folkes, Valerie Sue
Freistad, Marian
Friedman, Monroe Peter
Goldberg, Marvin
Goldman, Alfred B.
Greenwald, Anthony O.
Hartley, Eugene L.
Hattwik, Melvin S.
Herr, Paul M.
Hoffman, Donna
Hutchinson, Wesley J.
Inman, J. Jeffrey
Isen, Alice
Jacoby, Jacob
Kahle, Lynn R.
Kahn, Barbara
Kamen, Joseph M.
Kardes, Frank R.
Kassarjian, Harold
Krishna, Aradhna
Laroche, Michel
Leavitt, Clark
Lutz, Richard J.
Lynch, John Jr.
MacInnis, Debbie
McNiven, Malcom A.
Mendelsohn, Harold
Meyers-Levy, Joan
Mick, David
Morwitz, Vicki
Mowen, John C.
Nuckols, Robert C.
Oliver, Richard L.
Olshavaky, Richard W.
Park, C. W.
Pechman, Cornelia
Peracchio, Laura
Perloff, Robert
Petty, Richard E.
Pham, Michel
Richins, Marsha
Roedder-John, Deborah
Roslow, Sydney
Ross, Ivan
Rossiter, John R.
Russo, Joseph Edward
Schumann, David W.
Schutz, Howard G.
Schwarz, Norbert
Shavitt, Sharon
Shanteau, James C.
Shimp, Terence
Stewart, David W.
Udow, Alfred B.
Weinstein, Sidney
Wells, William D.
Wickert, Frederic R.
Winick, Charles
Woodside, Arch G.
Robert S. Wyer, Jr.