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Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award


The Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award is bestowed upon researchers who received a Ph.D. more than eight years prior to the year in which they will receive the award. The DSC award recognizes scholars whose distinguished scientific contributions to consumer psychology demonstrate evidence of scholarly impact rather than simply sheer productivity. No more than three Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award winners are named in any given year.


Ayelet Fishbach

Derek Rucker


Susan Fournier

Michael Norton

Kathleen Vohs

Christopher Hsee

Joel Huber

Jennifer Aaker

Ravi Dhar

Eric Johnson

Robert Wyer

J. Wesley Hutchinson

Norbert Schwarz

Itamar Simonson

James R. Bettman

Frank Kardes

Joseph Alba

John Lynch

Robert Cialdini

Richard Petty

Timothy Brock

Jacob Jacoby

John Howard

Martin Fishbein

Daniel Kahneman

Robert Zajonc

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