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2023 Conference - Call for Papers

Updated: Aug 25, 2022

The Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) will be holding its Annual Winter Conference

from March 2 - 4, 2023 at the Caribe Hilton resort located on the beautiful oceanfront of San Juan, Puerto Rico. The SCP conference provides opportunities for interaction among individuals interested in consumer research and in advancing the discipline of consumer psychology in a global society. We welcome submissions that use diverse theoretical perspectives and methods to examine theoretically, substantively, and managerially important questions in consumer psychology. We are seeking proposals for competitive papers, special sessions, roundtables, and posters for presentation at the conference. Submissions addressing the conference theme, described below, are encouraged.


Affectionately known as “la isla del encanto” (the island of enchantment), Puerto Rico is the perfect place to celebrate people, places, and planet through consumer research. The people of Puerto Rico represent a multitude of ethnicities, diverse cultures, and distinct histories. With a majority multiracial population, Puerto Rico is a vibrant place to welcome the international SCP community and to enrich conversations about identity and inclusivity in consumer psychology and the marketplace. The beautiful places of Puerto Rico, bridging centuries of history with influences from many continents, are bound to inspire new ideas and facilitate discussions across distinct theoretical and methodological perspectives among consumer psychology scholars. The planet’s biodiversity is embodied in this island paradise which, with its pristine beaches, majestic mountains, and tropical forests, is also threatened by the significant impact of climate change. This makes Puerto Rico a fitting location to discuss the future of consumption and sustainability. Thus, we encourage submissions that explore how consumer psychology can celebrate and inspire harmony among people, places, and planet at this first in-person SCP conference in three years.


There are four types of submissions:

  1. Competitive Papers

  2. Special Sessions

  3. Roundtables

  4. Posters

Further details for each submission type are provided below.

Each SCP participant may present in no more than two sessions. When submitting to this conference, you must agree to be available at any time on both days of the conference (i.e., Friday 3/3/23 and Saturday 3/4/23) to present your work. If you will not be available on one of the days, please arrange for a co-author to present. We will not consider date/time change requests for presentations unless a presenter has been inadvertently scheduled to deliver two presentations during the same time slot.

We are planning for SCP to be an in-person conference. We are planning to make the Presidential Address and the Plenary Session available via live-streaming. However, due to technical constraints, other conference sessions will not be live-streamed. That is, we expect the conference presentations to be delivered in person. Therefore, if you submit your work to the conference, please plan that you or a co-author will attend the conference to present it.

Submission Deadline

To allow participants to plan their travel to this in-person conference, the conference submission deadline and notification of acceptances will take place earlier this year than last year. All competitive paper, special session, roundtable, and poster submissions are due by Friday, August 5, 2022. We will send a notification of acceptances in October 2022.

The conference website will be available for submissions on Monday, June 13, 2022, and submissions will close on Friday, August 5, 2022 at 11:59 PST. Submission information and login information will be available through the submission portal.

Conference Submission Website:


Competitive papers constitute advanced-stage work and address substantive, methodological, or theoretical topics in marketing and consumer psychology. We will be grouping four individual papers into 75-minute sessions. Authors will have 15 minutes to present their work, followed by a few minutes for questions and discussion. Competitive paper submissions should include the following:

  • The title of the paper.

  • The name, contact information, and affiliation of the author(s). Please indicate the author order and whether each author will serve as the corresponding author, presenter or both. At least one author of each paper must agree to present the paper if the paper is accepted.

  • A 75-100 word short abstract (for publication in the conference program).

  • A 750-1,000 word extended abstract that summarizes the motivation, conceptualization, methodology, and major findings (for evaluation by reviewers). Abstracts should include the number of studies completed, study procedures, and summary statistics so that reviewers can judge the completeness and quality of the research. Incomplete or vague abstracts in which the completeness and quality cannot be ascertained will be rejected.

  • References (APA style: References will not count against the word count of the extended abstract.

  • Figures and Tables. Authors are welcome to use figures and tables in addition to the extended abstract. Figures and tables will not count against the word count of the extended abstract.


Special sessions focus on a specific area of research. Submissions should share similar theoretical or methodological bases, or they may approach the same research question from different perspectives. Each session is 75 minutes and should include either four papers without a discussant or three papers with an expert discussant. If a discussant is present, they should be an expert in the topic area and not an author of any of the featured papers. The special session chair is expected to lead the session. Special session chairs are responsible for submitting all materials by the deadline and ensuring that all session presenters commit to attending the conference if accepted and presenting during the session. Preference will be accorded to paper fit, novelty, relevance, and completeness of the work.

Special session proposals should include the following:

  • The title of the special session.

  • The name, contact information, and affiliation of each author. Please indicate whether each author will serve as the corresponding author, presenter or both. At least one author of each paper must agree to present the paper if the proposal is accepted.

  • A session proposal. To enable a blind review process, the uploaded special session proposal should not identify author names or affiliations. Initial proposal submissions should be deidentified and uploaded in pdf format. Please check the document properties to make sure your file is de-identified (File > Properties, and remove author information in the “Description” tab). Proposals should include:

    • A 500 word overview describing the session’s objective, topics to be covered, intended audience, stage of completion of each paper, and how the session contributes to the field of marketing and consumer psychology. o Title of each presentation (up to four presentations may be included).

    • A 75-100 word short abstract of each presentation (for publication in the conference program).

    • A 750-1,000 word extended abstract of each presentation (for evaluation by reviewers). Abstracts should include the number of studies completed, the study procedures, and summary statistics so that reviewers can judge the completeness and quality of the research. Incomplete or vague abstracts in which the completeness and quality cannot be ascertained will be rejected. o If the session features a discussant, please provide a description of the goals and plan for the discussion in the submission (fourth abstract box in the system).

    • References (APA style: References will not count against the word count of the extended abstract.

    • Figures and Tables. Authors are welcome to use figures and tables in addition to the abstract. Figures and tables will not count against the word count of the abstract.


Roundtables aim to bring together researchers interested in a specific topic in marketing and consumer psychology. Roundtable discussions cover recent developments, integrate ongoing conversations, and generate new ideas and avenues for future research on a topic of interest. Roundtable proposals will be assessed on the richness and quality of the proposed conversation, robust structure, readiness to foster stimulating discussions, and ability to generate interest from a broad audience.

Roundtable proposals should include the following:

  • Title of the roundtable.

  • A 75-100 word short abstract of the theoretical, substantive, or methodological topic discussed in the roundtable (for publication in the conference program).

  • The name, contact information, and affiliation of the roundtable organizer.

  • The names and affiliations of all the panelists who have agreed to participate in the roundtable if the proposal is accepted.

  • A 750-1,000 word extended abstract describing: (1) the theoretical, substantive, or methodological topic to be discussed during the session, (2) the goal of the session (e.g., proposing future research avenues on a topic, debating a new data analysis or data collection method, etc.), (3) a summary list of the questions to be discussed with the panelists, and (4) the broader audience that the roundtable aims to attract and how the audience will be engaged.


Posters report the results of a research project in its early stages. These projects typically present preliminary results but detail ongoing research on substantive, theoretical, or methodological aspects in marketing and consumer psychology. Though posters represent work in the early stages, the quality of the research questions and the methodological rigor should mirror those of individual papers. Authors of accepted posters will present their findings in the form of a poster, with exact details provided at the time of acceptance decisions. This year, the poster session cochairs are Kirk Kristofferson (Ivey Business School,, Edith Shalev (Open University,, and Caleb Warren (University of Arizona,

Poster submissions should include the following:

  • The title of the poster.

  • The name, contact information, and affiliation of each author. Please indicate the author order and whether each author will serve as the corresponding author, presenter or both. At least one author must agree to present the poster if the poster is accepted.

  • A 75-100 word short abstract (for publication in the conference program).

  • A 750-1,000 word extended abstract that summarizes the motivation, conceptualization, methodology, and major findings (for evaluation by reviewers).

  • References (APA style: References will not count against the word count of the extended abstract.

  • Figures and Tables. Authors are encouraged to use figures/graphs and tables in addition to the abstract. Figures and tables will not count against the word count.


There will be a full-day doctoral symposium before the main conference on Thursday, March 2, 2023. The event will be co-chaired by Kate Barasz (ESADE, David Wooten (University of Michigan,, and Nina Mazar (Boston University ( and it will be open to all doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows. Relevant details will be announced separately.


Thanks to the generous support of Columbia Business School, this year we will be able to subsidize the SCP annual membership fee, conference fee, and doctoral symposium fee (if the applicant is interested in attending) for approximately 40 doctoral students planning to present their work at SCP 2023.

Support will be granted on the basis of merit (i.e., whether or not the submission is accepted) and need (i.e., whether or not the student is already receiving some financial support for the conference).

Please complete this survey if you wish to be considered. We will notify applicants of the decision in the Fall, after the decisions for the main conference are out.

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