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SCP Fellows
SCP Early Career Awards
Schumann Dissertation Award Winners
SCP Distinguished Scientific Contribution Awards
Conference Paper Awards
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SCP Fellows

Susan Broniarcyzk
Amna Kirmani
Jerome Williams

Past SCP Fellows

Alba, Joseph
Anderson, James Clayton
Appel, Valentine
Bettman, James R.
Blankenship, A.B.
Blum, Milton L.
Bogart, Leo
Bradley, Joseph B.
Brock, Timothy C.
Cacioppo, John T.
Chakravarti, Dipankar
Childers, Terry
Cialdini, Robert
Dunn, Theodore F.
Fishbein, Martin
Folkes, Valerie Sue
Freistad, Marian
Friedman, Monroe Peter
Goldberg, Marvin
Goldman, Alfred B.
Greenwald, Anthony O.
Hartley, Eugene L.
Hattwik, Melvin S.
Herr, Paul M.
Hoffman, Donna
Hutchinson, Wesley J.
Inman, J. Jeffrey
Isen, Alice
Jacoby, Jacob
Kahle, Lynn R.
Kahn, Barbara
Kamen, Joseph M.
Kardes, Frank R.
Kassarjian, Harold
Krishna, Aradhna
Laroche, Michel

Leavitt, Clark

Lutz, Richard J.

Lynch, John Jr.


MacInnis, Debbie

McNiven, Malcom A.
Mendelsohn, Harold
Meyers-Levy, Joan
Mick, David
Morwitz, Vicki
Mowen, John C.
Nuckols, Robert C.
Oliver, Richard L.
Olshavaky, Richard W.
Park, C. W.

Pechman, Cornelia

Peracchio, Laura
Perloff, Robert
Petty, Richard E.
Pham, Michel
Richins, Marsha

Roedder-John, Deborah
Roslow, Sydney
Ross, Ivan
Rossiter, John R.
Russo, Joseph Edward
Schumann, David W.
Schutz, Howard G.
Schwarz, Norbert
Shavitt, Sharon
Shanteau, James C.
Shimp, Terence
Stewart, David W.
Udow, Alfred B.
Weinstein, Sidney
Wells, William D.
Wickert, Frederic R.
Winick, Charles
Woodside, Arch G.
Robert S. Wyer, Jr.

SCP Fellows
SCP Honorees
Fabric in Rolls

SCP Honorees

Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award

Ayelet Fishbach
Derek Rucker

Past SCP Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award Winners

2021 - Susan Fournier

2020 - Michael Norton
2019 - Kathleen Vohs
2018 - Christopher Hsee
2015 - Joel Huber
2013 - Jennifer Aaker
2012 - Ravi Dhar
2011 - Eric Johnson
2010 - Robert Wyer
2009 - J. Wesley Hutchinson
2008 - Norbert Schwarz
2007 - Itamar Simonson
2006 - James R. Bettman
2005 - Frank Kardes
2004 - Joseph Alba
2003 - John Lynch
2000 - Robert Cialdini
1999 - Richard Petty
1998 - Timothy Brock
1997 - Jacob Jacoby
1994 - John Howard
1993 - Martin Fishbein
1992 - Daniel Kahneman
1991 - Robert Zajonc



SCP Early Career Award

Taly Reich
Kaitlin Wooley

Past SCP Early Career Award Winners

2021 - Daniella Kupor and Peggy Liu

2020 - Szu-chi Huang

2019 - Nailya Ordabayeva
2018 - Jeff Galak and Alison Jing Xu
2017 - Cassie Mogilner Holmes and Brent McFerran
2015 - Rajesh Bagchi
2014 - Rebecca Walker Reczek

2013 - Vladas Griskevicius and Derek Rucker


2012 - Jonah Berger

2011 - Andrea Morales and Anirban Mukhopadhyay

2010 - Aparna Labroo

2009 - Zak Tormala

2008 - Gal Zauberman

2006 - Ran Kivetz

2004 - Alexander Chernev

2003 - Jennifer Aaker, Dan Ariely

2001 – Stephen Nowlis

2000 - Susan Broniarczyk

SCP Early Career Awards
Schumann Dissertation Award Winners

Schumann Dissertation Award Winners



"Solo and Joint Aspects of Consumer Behavior"​
Theresa (Tess) Kwon, University of Pittsburgh​
Advisor: Peggy Liu

"Speaking in Private: Privacy Expectations Depend on Communication Modality"​
Johann Melzner, New York University
Advisors: Andrea Bonezzi and Priya Raghubir

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